mr will the boss
i am "the boss" now. not sure how the name arose, but it looks like it's sticking. i think it was tuesday that i walked in and saw some graffiti scrawled across the board mR. wILL tHe BoSs [there was some kind of flower drawn as well]. i wasn't sure if it was a hastily written ransom note from "the boss"
it is actually my student-given appellation. it is now written on exercise books -- name, date, subject, teacher, "the boss." should I be worried? i don't think so. it could be worse. here are some worse fates that i've avoided:
"the yelper."
"the stupid." <---actually happened during model school.
"the pill."
"the cantankerous."
"the poorly-ironed." <----this would not be untrue
the malodorous (one)
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